Okay, so it's been almost a year since I last blogged, what a loser I am! LOL! We've had a lot of new and exciting things happening in our family since the last post.
Breya has turned the big "16". Holy cow I didn't realize how hard it would be to have one reaching that age but it is in many ways. She's driving all on her own and loving it, she's is now of the dating age and has gone on a few dates; group ones! Boy was that hard turning her loose with boys. We've always said boys are nothing but trouble, well not anymore. She is no longer doing cheerleading, but found that she loved managing the boys basketball team with her friend Dani. She still loves being silly and teasing me all the time. She has maintained great grades and it thinking about dancing next year.

Jacob turned 14 in December. He played 8th grade football, basketball and is now doing track. He had his foot ran over by the the little red car thankfully. Took him to the orthopedic to find that it was not broke and that he was not done growing. Okay, the kid has grown soooooo much this year. He is standing at 5'10", only an inch away from meeting his dad. Jacob is loving that. He outgrew me and Breya a while ago.

Kendra conitnues to amaze us with her ability to grow up tooooooo fast. She still thinks she is 10 going on, well lets say 19 now, we used to say 16 but I think she's done some more growing up. She's a very girly girl, does her hair every morning and it must look absolutely perfect, she's been playing in the make-up (only on weekends and never wears it out of the house, because I won't let her), and has found that she loves learning to sew. She got her own sewing machine for christmas and is in heaven. She's still as bossy as ever and gets super annoyed by her brothers. She is extremely talented in gymnastics and is going on her 2nd year of tap. She will be entering Middle School this next school year and is very excited.

Ethan is still the one who makes everyone mad or upset everyday of his life. He enjoys stirring up anyone who will let him. He, for some reason, thinks it is funny. One would call him obnoxious! He has a very funny sense of humor, loves singing in the shower, doing some kind of bootie dance around the house, and very athletic. This is his first year of being able to try all of the sports. So far he has done soccer, flag football, pup wrestling and now basketball. He continues to live outside on his bike or skateboard, no matter what the weather is. Let's just say he can't keep still, somedays it's good and somedays it's not!
As you can see we have been extremely busy this past year and it's only getting worse. I used to think that having small children was a lot of work, no it's having teenage kids that's tough. I would give anything to have them small again. I miss staying home and playing or even fighting! This running all over the place chasing kid after kid and game after game is for the birds!
Well, I hope that I can do better at keeping up on this blogging thing this year. If not have a good year and see you next year!
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